Congratulations! You landed your first interview as a newly licensed Registered Nurse and your nursing career is kicking off! Are you excited? Nervous? Maybe both? Well take a breath and relax. Here are some tips for your first interview.


Explain your strengths and weaknesses.

This is something that a Hiring Manager will likely ask you about, and you should be ready to answer. Showing that you’re aware of the skills you’ve already mastered as well as what you need to work on demonstrates that you’re committed to growth.


Why did you decide to become a nurse?

This is a question you can expect at almost any interview. Have you always wanted to be a Nurse, even as a child? Does it come from a personal experience? What type of nursing specifically interests you? Take a few minutes to let your interviewer know what drives you in the first place.


If you don’t have any questions prepared to ask the interviewer, that’s fine. You might already be familiar with the facility. Maybe you completed your clinicals there or have a family member that worked there. In any case, it’s always a good idea to get a feel of what it would be like to actually work there.

Asking about company culture shows you have an invested interest in this job. You want to be there long-term, not just “try it out.” Is the supervisor helpful and responsive? How is staff orientation and training? Is there an overall good feeling throughout the facility?

It’s also a good idea to ask about the patient to staff ratio if you’ll be working with a larger patient population. Can you handle a fast-paced environment while concentrating on your specific role? Or do you prefer a slower-paced vibe?


Regardless of how prepared you are for the interview, you’ve made it this far. An interview is the first step in the right direction to becoming an accomplished medical professional. So good luck and remember that consistency and growth is key!