August 2017
Reasons to Consider Nursing Jobs in a Rural Environment
Nurses who are willing to move to a different location for a new job may have an advantage in the job market. This isn’t always the case, but for nurses from areas with limited opportunities, [...]
July 2017
How to Make a Positive First Impression in a Nursing Job Interview
When preparing for an interview for a new nursing job, it’s important to focus on making the best first impression that you can. From what you wear to what you say, there are many ways [...]
How to tell if a New Nursing Job is the Right Fit
When you start a new nursing job, you may be able to tell right away if it’s a good fit for you. In some cases, it can take a little longer to determine whether it’s [...]
June 2017
How to know if Nursing is Your Dream Job
Not everyone is lucky enough to end up in a career that they love and land their dream job in the field. However, many nurses find themselves in that position, doing something that they’re passionate [...]
How to Have a More Inspiring Nursing Career
A career in nursing can and should be incredibly fulfilling. If you’re feeling stuck in a rut, or like you aren’t getting the most out of your job that you wish you could, it may [...]
Should you get a PhD in Nursing?
Going back to school for a PhD in nursing is something that you may be considering. There are several reasons why it can be an excellent idea, but it certainly isn’t right for every nurse. [...]