January 2017
The Importance of Mentoring in Nursing
The field of nursing provides so many great opportunities for qualified individuals. One of the best ways to excel in this career is by having a mentor to look up to and seek practical advice [...]
December 2016
What Employers look for when Hiring a Nurse
Hiring nurses can be a challenge for many healthcare facilities, especially if they seek to build a strong team. Employers are looking for nurses who not only have the necessary certifications, training, and education, but [...]
What Makes for an Ideal Work Environment for Nurses?
Nursing isn’t an easy job, but a supportive workplace can make all the difference. The ideal work environment for nurses is one in which there is enough staff on duty to assist all of the [...]
4 Ways to Connect with Other Nurses
Whether you’re seeking hospital jobs in Illinois or nursing jobs in New York, connecting with other nurses is often the key to finding the best employment opportunities. One obvious way to connect is through the [...]
November 2016
3 Great Reasons to Refer Fellow Nurses to Us
Even for experienced nurses, it can be difficult to find a job in the field that offers the good benefits and flexibility that are desired. One of the best ways for skilled professionals to secure [...]
The Essential Qualities in a Qualified Nursing Candidate
Nursing is a career that requires a certain skill set. When referring an individual to registered nurse jobs, it’s important that they have the essential qualities needed to succeed. A qualified nursing candidate must be [...]